奧地利導覽諮詢  Vienna guide for chinese Service  –  Anfrage

奧地利導覽諮詢  Vienna guide for chinese Service  –  Anfrage

Telefon: +43 6764081982
E-Mail: office@austria-tour.info

姓 Name*
名 Last Name*
公司 company
預計導覽日期  Tour date*
預計導覽時間  Guide time*
預計多久時間  how long*
參加導覽人數  Number of visitors
語言需求 Language*普通話,廣東話,閩南話,上海話
地址  address

郵遞區號/城市 Postal code / city

電子信箱 EMail*


The guide service does not include the cost of transportation and attraction tickets. We can also rent a coach or other transportation such as a car, RV, bicycle or electric vehicle.

額外需求  Additional demand

